Monday, May 28, 2012

Book Titles

Hey guys. I need a new title for Dakota Ryan. Well....a title for the series, anyway. Grace gave me the idea (thanks Grace! ♥) that it shouldn't be DR and the Search for the Allies, just Search for the Allies and put Dakota Ryan in the series title. *whew*

Problem is, I can't think of anything. Here is the only thing I've come up with so far:

Dakota Ryan: Girl of Fire (lame, I know)

****NEW IDEA FROM EDIT**** What about Firechild?

Do you guys have any ideas? (Please -- I'm desperate!) They have to have "Dakota Ryan" in it, though. But that's pretty much it!!!

P.S. Did you see my temporary book cover on the sidebar? Isn't it PERFECT?????? Here it is, up close and without the words.....

Dude. I nearly DIED.


  1. Thanks, Maddie! Yeah, you gave me a lot of ideas!

  2. I love that cover! It is awesome! You might want to save the whole fire thing for another book that has more to do with the whole phoenix thing. I think 'Search for the Allies' is good, especially from what I know of the story. You could try a pun of sorts, or alliteration with allies. You could even use my favorite word and say 'Dakota Ryan: The Search for Succor'! Love that word!
    - Grace

  3. I know you do:) And, well...this isn't really the cover. It's just something that really, really relates to my story, more than you know. :)
