Monday, September 17, 2012

Book Review: The Last Guardian

Artemis is just released from the therapist, fully recovered from the Atlantis Complex, when suddenly Opal Koboi makes a sudden, terrifying move. Using black magic, Opal has raised the fairy warriors of old --- the Berserkers --- out from the grave to do her bidding and slay mankind once and for all. If that isn't hard enough for Artemis, Butler, Holly and Foaly to take, they soon discover that the Berserkers' "resting place" is the Fowl Estate.
Artemis learns that to thwart Opal once more, he must make greater sacrifices than he had ever dreamed of making.

It isn't as dark as it sounds. The Berserkers aren't dead corpses --- they're warrior spirits who, thanks to magic, have been placed in the ground of the Fowl Estate, waiting to be called up to earth to wreak their final revenge against humans. Still pretty gruesome sounding, but really, it's not as bad.

As usual, loyalty, friendship, and self-lessness are valued. I really like the change Artemis went through from book one to book eight. I own both, so comparing the two is pretty interesting. The first Artemis was selfish, deceptive, and cunning. This new Artemis is selfless, caring, and cunning, though considerably more considerate. I like it.

Of course, there's the violence, black magic, and swear words. H---- and oh my G-- are mentioned, but it seems to me they swear more than usual.

I liked this book. The only problem I have with it (other than the ones mentioned above) is the fact that it didn't end like I wanted it to. :P (MINI SPOILER ALERT) Minerva was the biggest problem I had with the ending --- what happened to her? I was certain she and Artemis would get married, but nope. No mention of her. My other problem was Artemis didn't get married --- I don't know what it is with me, but I like seeing the characters I love getting married to characters I love. It's strange. So, because of these and more, I'm going to rewrite the ending. ;)

I rate it .... hmmm .... three and a half stars. :) One star taken away for language and extras, half a star taken away for the unsatisfactory ending.

Have you read it? Did you like it?

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to decide for a few years, or whenever they first came out, if I want to read this series or no. I've heard it is very good, and it is doing well, but I still can't decide. I'm a picky reader sometimes.

